Hello and welcome to our website.


Our company’s aim is to create theatre which will give relatives and friends of loved ones living with dementia, a different and healthy perspective on the matter. As a company, we will use real life stories inspiring us to make theatre, songs and poems in a lighthearted manner to not only raise awareness, but make situations easier for the community. If you would like to be involved in our project, we would love to hear from you. These stories could be a funny moment that you shared with your loved one with dementia or just a simple lighthearted memory. By scrolling down you will see our anonymous drop box or our contact details to share your story.


Mobile: 07508522576

E-mail: livingwithlaughtertheatre@outlook.com

Share your stories in confidence with us and become a part of helping a community.

Thank you.

(Names and e-mails are not required)